Naturally, these advantages are most noticeable when taken in the context of a generally healthy diet. Even whole grains cannot ensure excellent health on their own. Keeping in mind that some whole grain foods are healthier than others is also crucial. You should regularly provide whole grain pasta and plain grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and wheat berries, while consuming processed grains less frequently. If all other components are equal, a whole grain cookie will undoubtedly be healthier for you than one made with refined grains, but a cookie is still a cookie! If you are interested in grain marketing, visit us now!
They help digestion
Other digestive advantages of whole grains exist as well. The fiber content promotes regular bowel motions (studies have shown that people who eat more fiber need fewer laxatives). Additionally, they aid in preventing diverticulosis, a condition in which tiny pouches develop in the colon wall and cause discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, and inflammation. The majority of the benefits come from fiber, but whole grains also have lactic acid, which helps “good bacteria” grow in the large intestine. These microbes improve nutrient absorption, aid in digestion, and may even strengthen the immune system of the body.
They could aid in lowering cholesterol
In addition to helping to stop your body from accumulating “bad” cholesterol, whole grains may also reduce triglycerides, two key risk factors for heart disease. Whole grains do, in fact, reduce overall heart disease risk. According to one study, women who had 2-3 servings of whole grain products per day were 30% less likely than women who consumed fewer than one serving per week to experience a heart attack or pass away from the disease.
The blood pressure is reduced
Whole grains have additional heart-health benefits besides lowering triglycerides and cholesterol. They also lower blood pressure, which is one of the major heart disease risk factors. According to one study, males who ate seven or more servings of whole grain cereal per week had a 19% lower chance of developing hypertension than those who only ate one or two. Women’s studies also discovered a benefit.
They can aid with weight management
People who consume a lot of whole grains are less likely to gain weight over time than those who consume a lot of processed grains. According to one study, compared to women who preferred doughnuts and white bread, women who ingested the most wheat germ, brown Compared to white rice, brown bread, popcorn, and other whole grains, there was a 49% lower chance of “significant weight gain.” Over a 12-year period, middle-aged men and women who consumed a diet high in fiber gained 3.35 fewer pounds than those who preferred processed foods.